Proper Sitting Posture at the Workplace

“Sit up straight, not hunched over”—this is the kind of advice we often received from our parents when we were children. Our bodies were not designed to sit in chairs for long periods, but in today’s busy lifestyle, this has become a reality. If we look at our spine from the side, it has a natural curve, somewhat like the English letter “S”. This is the normal curvature of the spine. For those of us who work sitting for long hours, if we don’t adopt the proper sitting posture, the risk of developing a hunched back increases as we age. Not only that, but this can also lead to joint degeneration, added stress on ligaments, and pain in the muscles and back. To ensure the different parts of our body function properly and don’t tire easily, and so that the joints and muscles remain at ease, we must sit while following the rules of proper posture.
Rules for Sitting Correctly
- Sit upright on the chair.
Do not sit with your neck or back bent. The lower back should be in contact with the chair without leaving any gap. - Keep work tools within easy reach.
Whether you are working on a computer or writing in a notebook, your work materials should be placed at a convenient distance.
Avoid sitting too far away from or too close to the table. - Don’t let your arms hang while working.
When writing or using a keyboard and mouse, make sure your entire arm—from fingers to elbow—rests on the table. - Place both feet comfortably on the floor.
Your thighs should be parallel to the ground.
No part of your body should be left unsupported or dangling.
Proper support is essential while working.
By maintaining the correct sitting posture, you can avoid back and waist pain as well as neck pain.
Eye Level
The upper third of your computer monitor should be slightly above eye level. If you have to look up or down, adjust the height of the monitor accordingly. This will reduce strain on your eyes and lessen the tendency to lean forward.
Sit Comfortably
Many people sit stiffly in an attempt to maintain the right posture, but while sitting, your shoulders and back should be relaxed. Ensure your wrists rest comfortably on the table.
This helps prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which occurs when the nerves in the wrists get compressed. Keep your feet flat on the floor, without bending them unnaturally.
Walk and Stretch
Don’t forget to leave your chair from time to time for a short walk and to stretch your body.
While standing, place both hands behind your lower back and gently push your hips forward to stretch your torso.
After that, sit down and tilt your head backward, slowly rotating it in a circular motion to relax your neck.
Health Awareness in summer

The excessive heat and humidity of the sun during summer are very harmful to the body. Basically, due to the excessive heat of the sun and fasting, each of us has a water deficit in our body, which can be filled only by consuming sufficient water/juice. Especially those who work in the sun or outdoors at this time, they need to take extra protective measures to protect themselves from the heat of the sun.
What we can do during this time…
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Drink sufficient amount of water from iftar to sehri during fasting.
- Avoid drinking excessively cold water after returning home from outside in this heat, but rather drink water of normal temperature.
- If you have excessive sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting, drink saline water, and if necessary, consult a nearby doctor.
- Avoid coffee or drinks with excess sugar. Such drinks create a water deficit in the body.
- Wait a while after coming from outside, and after the body temperature normalizes, take a bath or wipe the body with water; this will reduce your body temperature.
- Wear loose, thin, and light-colored clothes. Use sunscreen lotion to protect yourself from excessive sun rays.
- Avoid using water stored in open containers for a week to protect yourself from water-borne diseases.
- Avoid going outside unnecessarily during the day.
While working outside…
- Carry extra water and drink pure water to protect yourself from water-borne diseases.
- Drink lemon water, fruit juice, and saline water.
- Wear a full-sleeved shirt to protect yourself from the heat of the sun.
- Wear a hat on your head.
- Avoid working in the hot sun if necessary.
- Avoid oily foods.
- Avoid carbonated drinks or coffee in hot weather; drink plain water instead.
Eating habits during Ramadan

During Ramadan, maintaining a healthy diet is crucial, as our daily routine and eating schedule undergo changes. Following a proper diet during this month helps keep the body active and energetic. To ensure our body remains healthy and functional during Ramadan, it is recommended to adhere to the following dietary guidelines:
Suhoor (Pre-Dawn Meal):
During Suhoor, it is advisable to consume foods that are rich in fiber and digest slowly. Examples include whole wheat bread, rice, small portions of meat, fish, vegetables, and milk. These foods stay in the stomach for a longer time and are digested gradually, providing sustained energy throughout the day.
Iftar (Breaking the Fast):
After fasting all day, it is important to consume foods that provide quick energy during Iftar. Examples of such foods include dates, fruit juices, papaya, bananas, and soups. These foods quickly replenish energy levels and fulfill the body’s need for fluids. Additionally, they contain essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, and minerals.
During Ramadan, dinner should be consumed as usual, similar to other times of the year. After Iftar and until bedtime, it is important to drink an adequate amount of water intermittently to stay hydrated.
What to Avoid:
- Excessive fried and fatty foods during Iftar.
- Overconsumption of sugary foods.
- Eating more than necessary during Suhoor and Iftar.
- Drinking excessive amounts of water or fluids at once.
- Consuming coffee or tea immediately after Iftar.
Special Considerations:
Those suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, gastric issues, or other health conditions should consult their doctor for personalized dietary advice during Ramadan.
By following these guidelines, you can maintain your health and energy levels throughout the holy month of Ramadan.
Common Diseases of Children

Kids can catch all sorts of common illnesses, especially when they’re young and their immune systems are still developing. Here are some of the most frequent ones parents should know about:
- The Common Cold
- Cause: It’s usually caused by a virus.
- Symptoms: A runny nose, cough, sore throat, and sometimes a mild fever.
- Treatment: Plenty of rest, fluids, and keeping their nose clear.
- Fever
- Cause: Often a sign their body is fighting an infection, like a virus or bacteria.
- Symptoms: A higher-than-normal body temperature, chills, and feeling tired.
- Treatment: Paracetamol (if recommended by a doctor), cool compresses, and lots of water or fluids.
- Diarrhea
- Cause: Could be due to a virus (like rotavirus), bacteria, or even parasites.
- Symptoms: Loose stools, stomach cramps, vomiting, and dehydration.
- Treatment: Oral rehydration solutions (ORS) and making sure they drink enough water.
- Pneumonia
- Cause: An infection in the lungs caused by bacteria or viruses.
- Symptoms: Fever, cough, trouble breathing, and chest pain.
- Treatment: Antibiotics (if it’s bacterial), rest, and keeping them hydrated.
- Measles
- Cause: Caused by the measles virus.
- Symptoms: Fever, cough, red eyes, and a rash that spreads over the body.
- Treatment: Vaccination is the best prevention, but if they catch it, rest and fluids are key.
- Chickenpox
- Cause: Caused by the varicella-zoster virus.
- Symptoms: Fever, itchy blisters all over the body, and feeling unwell.
- Treatment: Antiviral meds (if needed), soothing creams for the itch, and keeping them comfortable.
- Asthma
- Cause: Inflammation in the airways makes it hard to breathe.
- Symptoms: Wheezing, coughing, and feeling tightness in the chest.
- Treatment: Inhalers, avoiding triggers (like dust or pollen), and following a doctor’s plan.
- Ear Infections
- Cause: Often caused by bacteria or viruses.
- Symptoms: Ear pain, fever, and sometimes trouble hearing.
- Treatment: Antibiotics (if it’s bacterial), pain relievers, and lots of cuddles.
- Tonsillitis
- Cause: Usually, a bacterial or viral infection.
- Symptoms: Sore throat, fever, and swollen tonsils.
- Treatment: Antibiotics (if it’s bacterial), rest, and warm drinks.
- Scabies
- Cause: Tiny mites burrow into the skin and cause itching.
- Symptoms: Intense itching, especially at night, and a rash.
- Treatment: Special creams or lotions prescribed by a doctor.
Tips to Keep Kids Healthy:
- Vaccinate on time: Vaccines protect against many of these illnesses, like measles and chickenpox.
- Teach good hygiene: Regular handwashing can prevent a lot of germs from spreading.
- Feed them well: A balanced diet helps boost their immune system.
- Make sure they rest: Kids need plenty of sleep to stay healthy and recover faster.
If your little one seems unwell, trust your instincts and check in with a doctor. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to their health!
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