
The joy of Eid



The biggest religious festival of the Muslim Ummah is Eid. The taste, clothing, food, and mutual friendship of the Muslim society of this country are related to the Eid festival. In addition, Eid is a great occasion to meet relatives. Everyone living far away rushes to their families despite the hardships of life to spend joyful moments with their families on the occasion of Eid.

Eid is obligatory for all devout Muslims, while one of the specifics of Eid is to offer two rakat prayers, and it is also the Islamic custom to give Eid-ul-Fitr.

Eid is the biggest national festival of Bengali Muslims. The customs and traditions of celebrating Eid in different regions of Bangladesh are somewhat diverse. Eid food is also regional.

The greatest happiness spreads on the faces of every child. It is like a fair of laughter. They wear new Eid clothes and walk around like flowers from morning to the whole day, and their hearts are filled with joy. And it is nice, when everyone hugs and hugs each other happily after the Eid prayer. However, the joy of Eid for adults is not less. Adults enjoy the joy of Eid by hanging out with friends and enjoying it.


Things to do on Eid:

  • Performing the obligatory prayers.
  • Using the toothpick.
  • Not fasting.
  • Taking a bath, taking a bath on this day is Sunnah.
  • Eating something in the morning, eating something before the prayer is Sunnah.
  • Using perfume.
  • Paying Sadaqatul Fitr.
  • Going to the Eid prayer (Eidgaon) on foot.
  • Using a different route while coming and going.
  • Saying Takbir, (Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La-ilaha illallahu, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Walillahil Hamd).
  • Performing the Eid prayer.
  • Exchanging greetings.
  • Listening to the sermon (this is obligatory).


Things that are forbidden on Eid:

  • Being lazy in performing the obligatory prayers in congregation.
  • Fasting on the day of Eid.
  • Showing strange behavior.
  • Women wearing men’s clothes and men wearing women’s clothes.
  • Doing things that are not Islamic.
  • Playing music.
  • Wasting and misusing.
  • Setting off fireworks.
  • Not performing the Eid prayers.


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