
Monkeypox virus




The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global public health emergency over monkeypox. The extent to which monkeypox is a cause for concern in Bangladesh depends on the infection in nearby countries. If monkeypox continues to spread in nearby areas, it will definitely be a cause for concern for the country.

What is monkeypox

Mumpox/monkeypox (MPXV) is a viral disease. monkeypox is a different type of pox virus. There are two main types of monkeypox and there are sub-divisions within the two types. These viruses have been around for a long time, decreasing in the middle. Recently, monkeypox virus infections have started to increase again, which has spread to Africa and is also spreading to various countries in Europe and Asia.

How monkeypox spreads

The monkeypox virus originated from wildlife; it is an animal-borne disease. Earlier, those who used to hunt wild animals used to get infected. But now the monkeypox virus is spreading from person to person. This has increased the risk.

How it spreads –

  • The monkeypox virus spreads from person to person through physical contact.
  • There is a risk of infection if you are very close to the breathing of an infected person.
  • The virus can spread from close contact with an infected animal, skinning, cutting meat, or even cooking, eating food cooked at low heat.
  • The virus can spread from clothes, towels, bed sheets, and any other objects used by an infected person.
  • The injection needle used by an infected person can also cause monkeypox if it is inserted into someone else’s body.
  • If a pregnant woman is infected with monkeypox, her unborn child can also be infected with the mumps virus.
  • If the blisters spread to different places after the monkeypox dries, the virus can be transmitted from there.

Symptoms of monkeypox

  • The body of a person infected with monkeypox is very painful.
  • The lymph nodes under the feet, throat, and armpits swell and become painful.
  • Fever occurs due to severe pain and swelling.
  • Water-filled blisters or blisters form on the skin and there is itching and pain.
  • Monkeypox goes away on its own. But many people become very sick. Various complications arise from the virus infection, and even death can occur.

Treatment of monkeypox

There is no specific treatment for monkeypox. There is no direct medicine for this disease. Efforts are underway to discover a medicine. However,

  • The patient should be kept in isolation and given symptomatic treatment.
  • Painkillers should be given to reduce the pain and inflammation of the rash or blisters.
  • Nutritious food and a clean environment should be kept.\
  • If the patient’s condition is critical, he should be kept in the hospital for treatment.
  • Since monkeypox is contagious, maximum precautions should be taken so that the virus does not spread.

Monkeypox Prevention

  • Care should be taken that no one comes into contact with the infected person unnecessarily.
  • When a doctor or anyone else comes into contact with a patient, they must wear gloves and a mask and provide treatment and care to the patient with as much protection as possible.
  • Items and clothing used by the affected person cannot be used.
  • Contact with infected animals cannot be made.
  • After the pox dries, care should be taken to ensure that the rash does not fall off. The affected person should stay at home until he is completely recovered. Until a new rash forms on the body.
  • The affected person should wear a mask and maintain physical distance.
  • The boils or rashes on the body should be covered with ointments prescribed by the doctor.



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